Howdy! My name is Daniel Van Zant and I use artificial intelligence to help humans do better knowledge work. This is my digital garden. It is my attempt to gather, annotate, interrelate, and cultivate all of the ideas that live in my head and work I produce.
If you are interested in who I am or what I have done you are probably most interested in my ever-growing [[Hat Collection|hat collection]]. Apart from that. the sidebar has some pages I think people will be interested in. This site is designed to be heavily interlinked, so wherever you start from click on interesting links and see where you end up!
This space is closer to a ever-evolving set of rough drafts than a set-in-stone collection of final opinions. I am always open to learning and improving, so if you find something you disagree with or believe is incorrect, please feel free to email me. I always appreciate it when folks help me follow the [road to wisdom](https://allpoetry.com/The-Road-to-Wisdom).
# Contact/Social Media
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[email protected]) | [](https://twitter.com/Daniel_Van_Zant) | [](https://fediscience.org/@Daniel_Van_Zant) | [](https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCQqncBZkFHs-zPDKEsayEkA) | [](https://app.heymaven.com/profile) |